dumb ass.

Light-Fingered Lerosto Everyone

well im sure that telling me you were going to make my life a missery really made you feel big .

as you portaled in and started hitting me what was i supposed to do ? sit there and take it . no I tried to fight back

Of course being only 3 hours old i was just about your skill level so I can see why you would want to fight me . But your hypocricy and bullshit mean you fit right in with Springdale .

calling me too dumb to pent was your crowning glory and yet again you decide not to answer any of the questions the post brought up about you and instead point the finger at a brand new lw . Your city must be very proud

The city of good indeed , why dont you just admit to being the bully you are and get it done with . you are running out of excuses and poeople to point the finger at .

Maybe you should just own up and stop your hypocricy

Written by my hand on the 17th of Skyelong, in the year 1140.