For all your complaining, you have BECOME Zenichiro!
I was once stripped by Zenichiro for dancing peace as a wee mage, to stop him felling. He found the tradeoff quite just.
You and I were friends then, and no one other than he could find justice in this, yet those were his reasons for stripping me.
How evil.
You just justified stripping Angharad for summoning a thakrian out of a fight. You are just as evil as Zenichiro. No, I'm not saying you're as \"hard\" as he was--though that may be how you interpret it. You talk about how terrible he was, yet you are the same.
You even said \"stay out of my way when I'm in your city, or felling staves\". So that would justify it?
Your overpowered additional skills have released the demon in you. Now, unable to be stripped, with a skillset which renders you unkillable if you have a remote amount of competency, you have begun stripping. The accounts I have heard are just silly. You, who once begged Koyen on this same board, to stop the stripping of young, perpetrate it.
I'm surprised you have a place at all in Springdale. You seem to champion the ideals of Thakria--but I have heard they wouldn't take you there. You weren't always this way. Even in Springdale, you were still sane. You bled to save your city, as I did, against the Thakrians, in vain. You held your blade from the young, and your stripping from those who did not strip first.
Recently, you've fallen. Any ideals you held are gone. Instead, you are \"hard\"--a catchall phrase intended to make right any wrongs you commit, while those who do the same to you and yours are evil.
You are \"hard\", they are \"evil\", and this is apparently Justice.
Battlemage Fistandantilus, disgusted
Written by my hand on the 8th of Springflower, in the year 1140.