
Lord Maleki, Decus est Vitato Everyone

I for one feel that jousting is only very slightly overpowered, and

certainly not more overpowered than frequently used skills such as mind

blank, charm shield, or alkar.

I want to make a very important point, so please listen carefully. People

do not avoid using a skill because they feel it is overpowerd. To believe

that people do is an absurd blindness to our present reality. This is

true in general, and it is also true with jousting. Jousting is rarely

used--and it is not because people feel it is cheap or overpowered.

Jousting is rarely used because it is difficult to use, imprecise in its

effect, and unlike most skills has serious drawbacks.

I am not going to go into the drawbacks of jousting. I want as many people

as possible to be ignorant of this important skill. Many of you manage to

maintain a distasteful mixture of willful ignorance and petty indignation

when the subject of jousting comes up. I tend to disdain such an attitude

even as I benefit from it. The gods know what the drawbacks and defenses

are, and they have assured me that its effects are legitimate and not a




Written by my hand on the 12th of Paglost, in the year 1136.