Ok, ok, I surrender. Look there are many things in avalon I consider buggy and do not use because of their overpowered nature. An excellent example is sorceror ghosting and resurrection. Between pills, gate demons, vampyrism, and skyflight a sorceror is impossible to catch unless they are stupid. Add the mobility to the fact that you have to wade through a horde of demons to even hit him well the ability to escape death then come back on full mana and health is a bit much.
The only reason I chose to use my little jousting trick is I wanted to show you how us knights have little cheap tricks too, (cough 6,000 damage fire trap), also if yer teaming me and though i havn't done this yet... well. suffice it to say I may just use this \"bug\" wich was used on me by a parrian.
Plaman ofcourse used this in combat in your own defence smile, a bandit no less. Where were all the screams and yells of foul play then? Oh yeah I forget. its ok when a parrian does something cheap like team and abuse things.
Ahhh the hypocrisy.
look closer to home and guild when next you whine.
Written by my hand on the 10th of Paglost, in the year 1136.