Gratitude to Dunccan for his adept display of this skill, and the \"bug\" inherent in it.
It appears that jousting does not require one to leave location, and it has no balance associated with it. Ie, a knight can joust you and jj before you recover balance to fullparry.
Logically, jousting would be something that requires at the minimum and entrance and exit from the location, given the speed needed by the mount to execute such an attack, as well as the recovery to normal pace by the mount. Logically, one cannot spur a mount into such an assault without them leaving the location they are in, and attempting to immediately stop a mount after an attack at that breakneck steed would surely be disasterous, the rider likely thrown and the mount injured.
Logically, the recovery from such an attack would leave the jouster himself a bit off balance and winded from the force of the attack. It takes a strong knight to keep himself seated after jousting his lance into a stationary target, but even the best would be hard pressed to immediately attack after the recoiling shock such a blow gives.
Logically, there are some inconsistencies in this skill. I am curious to what other fighters, especially knights, think of this.
Written by my hand on the 3rd of Paglost, in the year 1136.