I thought for the last few weeks that you had learned the simple lesson that might makes right.
If you are foolish enough to believe that a challenge is somehow your inviolate right, that is your problem.
Your public disrespect for your elders and betters warrants the pain that you will no doubt suffer at their hands.
A challenge between you and anyone I might choose to respect, or rarely I just might not.
If I didn't then it would be just tough shit for you - when will you understand that as a simple peon in this land you actually do not have any rights except those that you can maintain through strength.
You are not very strong - ergo you have bugger all in the way of rights.
Also, you are appalling ignorant - please stop demonstrating it - the skin around my eyes is wrinkling from the wincing I suffer reading your posts.
Written by my hand on the 11th of Springflower, in the year 981.