I wish the two of you would just shut up. But then again I wish stupidity and endless selfishness in this world could be outlawed and punishable by death.
I guess I am shit out of luck on both wishes, and will have to continue to skip past both your self-serving posts.
Belgadeth, fact of the matter is that you couldn't fight your way out of a hessian sack. Posting to boost your ego stating otherwise doesn't change that fact. Learn to live with it and get better. Then you can post your bravado, k?
Narissa, what Springdale does is Springdales business. You, contrary to your own belief, are not Avalons resident expert on how newbies are to be trained and raised.
Train your own noobs to hug eachother and flutter at Hellespoint square. Fine. I am sure they will eventually annoy someone to death.
Someone people are born to fight. They will get into the game as early as they possibly can and there is nothing anyone can do or say to change their minds.
Written by my hand on the 5th of Leaflost, in the year 1134.