
I find it very curious that a Parrian is quoting verbatim from a broadcast message that could only be seen by either a SD citizen online at the time, or one reading our actions.

Yes, at the time I shouted that I was a bit frustrated. You and your ilk, however, fail to see the other point. Sure, I'd like it if I'd had more help. I'd also argue that we could have possibly turned the tide if they all had lost DP to help. That said, I don't blame them entirely by any means. Most had been repeatedly teamed and shipped already, and they made the decision (particularly since several were low on rides, and for that matter smaller) to wait it out DP so that they could harvest as

rapidly as possible. I don't particularly applaud that line of reasoning, but when you've been teamed non-stop by people larger than you, sooner or later people, especially those without the skills to defend themselves, need a respite to recover.

So, well done, brazenly post that you have a spy in our midst, and when the talk about overly-aggressive, repeated teaming is being posted, ignore you role in this. God forbid you actually think about your actions -- blame it entirely on those who had already been teamed silly. As we've stated before, that's fine, just don't start whining her when we start employing the same tactics.

Written by my hand on the 2nd of Leaflost, in the year 1134.