
Hard Hearted Narissa, The Vamp of Parrius, AVto Everyone

I really hate pointless posts directed at so and so and his/her actions of such and such day. But, for clarification -

Yes, I was in a challenge with Pahn. After that finished, he reissued. I bbd and went for a smoke, figuring I had already played his little game of \"you're too weak and pathetic to fight in mutual challenges. \" I returned and figured, why the hell not, and issued back. SECONDS later he died. Apparently he had gone and joined a fight in the meantime. So, technically we were in a mutual challenge. But for seconds, and he had caused other hostilities before I issued, and I wasn't even involved in that \"tea

ming\" injustice he suffered from.

Next time you guys haul my name into a public forum, please, make sure it's a crime I actually committed. Hope that clears up things.

Written by my hand on the 13th of Eleuthral, in the year 1133.