Plaman's full brunt.

Finbar, Illuminatito Sa-Fedaykin Pahn, Night Ranger

Pahn, my dear friend.

I have had the misfortune of suffering under the full brunt of parrian might. It

consists entirely of either being teamed inside their quaint village, or being teamed

in the wildlands. On the rare occassion that they deign to enter our fair city,

they ultimately end up scurrying back to their village to hide amidst staves.

Why just yesterday, I went to their village to slum it a bit, and see what Plaman looked

like, as he is forever hiding in sewers, and found myself immediately attacked

by himself, and two of his wanna bes. Beyond spitting mandrake at me incessantly

and yanking me through staves they did little else. When they made the unfortunate

error of wandering about the fairer villages, such as Pilgrim's rest, they all died.

The full brunt of Parrian might seems to be, ultimately, Plaman's incessant whining

about his inferiror use of his skills, and Narrissa's endless pontificating on

the obvious.

Perhaps Parrius shall in the future live up to its potential and become a fair

village where one can obtaint he finest wine and cheese.

Written by my hand on the 24th of Springflower, in the year 1132.