Narissa's post didn't seemingly have anything to do with you!
It was a well thought out questioning of a skill, by one who likely doesn't have the ability to post on the Elder's board. Morever, please don't drag my name in to your posts to attempt to make them believable. I have been stripped twice in my time in Avalon, both when I was tiny. Once by Threap, once by Toranaga and Zenichiro together.
I was never stripped every week or so--back then, a degree of competence made it easy to keep my enemies from taking my stuff.
Let me give you some advice. Type \". l\" before you complete your post, reread it, and if it is not remotely applicable, type \". q\" rather than finishing it.
Battlemage Fistandantilus
Written by my hand on the 4th of Eleuthral, in the year 1132.