staves and pushing.

Silver Hanannto Everyone

As I have some experience with staves, I will add my 2 pences.

I agree sometime pushing is ridiculous, specially when you ressurect and then you are pushed through 5 staves.

Though really I don't think it is that hard to avoid pushing most of the time. I already fought zwartia in her tower of staves several times, and i think she will agree to say I am doing usually ok. I fought koenen in his forest of staves in challenge and once again, I didn't die.

If you are carefull enough the loremaster shouldn't be able to push you. Really loremaster relie on the damage they are doing to get the kill, and we have really few disabling abilities. So I think you should be able to prevent the pushing.

Plus often, you just have to pentacle to avoid the damage, and thruskick doesn't work through pentacle. So pushing in a stave is one of the few solution we have to 'finish the work'. So preventing staves to hit when pushed seems a bit unfair.

The mana draining seems to be a good, but as another loremaster already pointed out, we already use ton of mana for all our skills. though a draining for more than 5 staves out, could be an idea to prevent loremasters to staves all avalon.

Written by my hand on the 28th of Agamnion, in the year 1130.