
Abydos, The Enthrallerto Everyone

I'd have to agree with Threap. Pushing people back and forth unlimitedly seems to be the

major problem. Even linking a push into stave/jab or acid splash combination if the LM shows

mercy is still a bit over the top. Making it so push, like thrustkick takes a 2 second balance

would be a good solution, but still, there is yet another problem with stopping the pushing.

I think anyone without a unicorn finds that their steed is killed way too easily and that they

find themselves having to sata if they can't alkar and avoid the push. But then dwarf potion

stops you from getting obese and you need to ingest a huge supply of sata to counteract it.

Then even still, the Loremaster only has to splash you again with it and you waste another

load of sata trying to cure it.

To be perfectly honest, I usually end up pilling out of the deathtrap that is staves before they

get a chance to use a silly trick like this. But there is still a problem with knights, well

actually, anyone really can just push and tag a jab after it. And staves are useful for

city defense sure, but I mean does it really have to come down to who can make the other person

die to the loremasters' staves first? I certainly wouldn't want Avalon to become a stave game

die to the loremasters' staves first? Changing either the dwarf potion to be cured by ONE sata

instead of a random number between two and twenty seems like a better solution if the push

skill won't be changed. Either that or if the push skill is changed to take balance, than the

dwarf potion can remain as it is. Personally, I think both should be tweeked.

Written by my hand on the 24th of Hindyear, in the year 1130.