and everyone else.

Oh boy, here comes Abydos again with her innane commentary...

Actually, its rather a simple suggestion in light of Pahn's initial post and a recent conversation

I had with the winner of the Pearl of Stars -- Avalon isn't fair.

Oh course its not... everyone knows it. Life isn't fair either. As mortals though, we have

the ability (whether you wish to call it conscious choice or instinct it irrelevant) to make

life MORE fair than it is. Most people accept the unfairness as it is and don't take life

too seriously. Others do. Humorously enough, they are called whiners.

Before I get to the loremasters though, I think in order for Avalon to even START to become

more fair, we should all learn to cut back on the sarcasm and attempt to make useful arguements.

That being said, I agree partially to what Pahn spoke up about. I think to be a good fighter

you have to be nimble and know your surroundings... to be one with the universe (ohmmmmmm)

So if a loremaster is in a bunch of staves, figure out how to get him out of them. Or sneak

attack him when he's least suspecting... and have a friendly paladin to evoke earthbinding

while you have him in a locked room with no staves... or give him something to eat that makes

him go to another part of avalon without staves...

Ingenuity is the key word here and I think there are a lot of good ideas that might not have

been tried before and the land is awaiting the one person who can figure it out. I am still in

partial agreement with Pahn though in that staves are rampant throughout the land. But I think

in the loremasters city they should only be allowed... not out in the wild. Or if they are

out in the wild than it is MUCH easier to fell them. I think players should have the protection

of their city in the form of staves provided by LM's. It gives them an added feeling of safety

in their hometown. But out in the wild? I don't know... perhaps its overkill. If enough

people agree with that then there is a possibility it could be changed, but without people

voicing their opinion, of LM profession or not, there won't be much of anything.

I think of more consequence though is portalling to newbies. I can lead all my city CCC's into

my own location so if the LM tries to portal to them they end right back in the same spot...

or put a pyramid rune down at the location of the city school ccc since you can't lead them.

But being able to escape any situation when you are in danger in an enemy city by taking

advantage of a dp newbie just seems stupid to me. I have never seen a thief be able to escape

with such ease... and they are supposed to be the real masters of stealth and agility!

Call this a rant... call it whining... I really don't care. I just like to hear some ideas.

In fairness, if you want to suggest anything about the Bards that seems unfair to you, than by

all means, voice yourself... I like discussion.


Written by my hand on the 1st of Hindyear, in the year 1130.