There will always be people who are going to slay those much smaller than themselves, either it be for sport, affliation, or some other reason, it's going to happen.
You can throw a whole crusade against these people. Fine. I've watched some of these great acts of \"redemption\" which has involved slaying those small than them because of some affliation to the original murderer.
You can whine and complain, and watch as it happens again, and again. Your posts mean nothing, they will change nothing, do you think the gods call upon our every whim? They are not here because of us, there are here in spite of us.
The only reason I learned to fight, was because I got stripped, I got slain, I doubt this is the reason for many of you at all, but it is mine. Death at the hands of another is not always a concequence, it can also be a reward, a chance.
I am not going to hand out a \"medal\" for your posts, they are what they are. And i expect no replies to this post saying, \"Your wrong Elmut\" or \"They are the lifeblood of the land, we need to cherrish them\" bit. Now I will say openly, the little people of this land are our lifeblood, but if we pamper them and hide them from danger, they are all going to become a bunch of bigger PW panning little people.
The only way to truely mature, is exposure to what is REALLY there.
- Ranger Elmak, Wandering the Wilderness
Written by my hand on the 18th of Midwinter, in the year 1130.