Gripe -- complain -- repeat stories told a dozen times over. Please, people, what the hell are you trying to prove??
I mean, I enjoy a bitchy post every now and again about being jumped unfairly, and I've no objections to that. But the past 5 million posts, including some of those on the Public BB
have proved that, well, those of us who play Avalon have nothing else productive to do than talk shit.
Now, I don't post often, and I'll make this one of the few, but I'm going to sum up what we've proved so far by these posts:
1) Arthor is no better and no worse than any other player on the game. He uses his freedom to do as he chooses, just like any other player.
chant levitate
2) He calls what he does \"Honourable\" because it is -- from HIS point of view. Maybe no one else shares that his p. o. v., but that doesn't really matter to him.
(Friggin triggers)
3) Castigere has appointed a player as his High Priest or whatever for some reason or another, but there's got to be a reason. Obviously, a Thakrian's perspective of a Mercinaen is going to be skewed
because, when at war, or even as just enemies, its shoot first, ask questions later.
I personally don't doubt Castigere's judgement, solely for the fact that it is Castigere, any experienced Avalonian.
The final thing we've proved is that, well, we all hold a grudge against someone or another. And just because we did something for our reasons, doesn't mean someone else has to accept that
and let bygons be bygons.
I know that if I'm ever jumped, I'd rather see the rascal hanged than even consider they had a reason for it. But thats just the way it goes.
Written by my hand on the 26th of Midwinter, in the year 981.