I hope that my Lord Genesis will not object to me putting my bullshit on the fighters BB as Bumble suggested.
Bumble- I called no one names, only explained what I had seen of Blueskull. I do watch my back, and I am offended, as I certainly hope others are.
Tryn- I do not remember that event. It is likely that it was not only thee, but in any case, I hope I get on thy nerves more in the future.
Jebaman- I'm not sure what thou art trying to say.
Julian- (My favourite) I only jumped thee after thou teamed me, and seldom even then. Usually I challenge first. I don't believe I have ever killed any guildmate of thine smaller than thee.
Lord Castigere may disfavour me again for telling the truth as I did about Blueskull, but <sigh> I suppose that is my lot.
Sir Arthor, for JUSTICE.
Written by my hand on the 26th of Midwinter, in the year 981.