Who cares what happened in the past? I'm the kind of person that doesn't dwell on the past, I live for today. I can see today the way you are acting and posting, and I find it quite ridiculous. It seems you think that all your problems can be solved if you can strip and kill a person enough to make them leave the land, throwing away any intelligent notion of diplomacy (i. e., \"... I would strip you, and kill you till I broke you). Every post I've seen written by you deals with you attempting to throw
some lousy insult at a good Parrian or Thakrian fighter, threatening to strip them or their citymates, etc. Actions speak louder than words, mate, and I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate you not cluttering up any of our fine discussion boards with your attempts at grammatical composition.
Concerning your threatening of killing younger citymates of other cities, allow me to make this point - if Koenen or Blotto, or Threap or Kodiak are killing you and your young, those are the transgressors, are they not? I claim no rank within the esteemed order of justice, yet I do believe that I am right when I assert that it is the transgressors, and the transgressors alone that should be punished. I would be looking out for you in addition to the rest of your city if I had killed some of your men
or jumped you or your citizens, young or old. The fact is, I have not. Neither has Zazenhen, for example, who you were coming after when Blotto, according to your posts. is your real target. I find it ironic that you would not fight Seregon in a challenge since he has two, perhaps three less ultimate skills than you, yet you are more than happy to attack Zazenhen, who only has maybe two or three ultimate skills at best.
My point in all this is if you have an issue with a single person, work it out with them. If used effectively, your words will say more than your swords. This is a point I've been trying to make within my city, and have been trying to convey to yours, yet it seems that any attempts at diplomacy are disdained and trampled underfoot by those running into battle.
Written by my hand on the 12th of Springflower, in the year 1128.