Dear Thunk,
When Kodiak stole your divine sword, it appears it was 'returned' to you.
When Threap repeatedly killed you in battle, he now appears ghosted in Thakria, clearly not by your hand.
You admit you stripped poisons from Tomas. I don't know the comparison in size but I imagine he is not quite as large as you. (And trust me, I know about size.)
When I was 1/8 you, you described me an 'xp cow' as you repeatedly killed me to boost your xp. You stripped me on several occasions, once even gallantly offering my box pack to me.
Clearly I refused as it was now sullied by your odour, but I digress.
Other Thakrians left the game due to your foul mouth, lack of any ethical standards and disloyalty.
Anyway, there is a point to this whine/observation somewhere...
I am far from the top echelon of fighters in the Land, but I believe many of you know me as someone who likes to fight. Dying often and slaying perhaps almost as often.
From this point forth, I will not strip anyone in the Land, nor will I jump anyone less than 3/4 my size. Exceptions I will make - currently being Finbar and Dunccan - but they will be few and I will try and explain the reasons for any sadistic actions I take.
If anyone observes me break these rules, I will respectfully request to my patron, Lord Malhavok, that he disfavours me.
I will give my soul for darknes yet I will always strive to abide by the unspoken laws of Chivalry that some 'knight' types appear to have forgotten.
I ask you now Dunccan, as someone who apparently fights for the 'light' (in your case a small candle I believe, which may have been blown out by someone's wind) will you strive to be chivalrous or will we continue to laugh at your apparent ideals of justoce.
Cough, justice.
I do not intend to post again, so please keep the sarcastic posts and comments on how terrible a fighter I am to a minimum. Let me be judged by my actions and not my posts.
Dunccan - I respectfully request this of you also - it is enough that you sully this land with your presence without having to listen to the abuse and nonsense that flows from your mouth.
Forever yours - the one and only Fat Lad of Thakria
Written by my hand on the 16th of Midsummer, in the year 1127.