Well, this isn't my argument and I have been absent for a long time, so I should stay out of it, but I have a question which I believe is pertinent. So if you would just indulge me for a moment, I believe the answer maybe quite telling.
Dunccan, I believe you have been branded an enemy of Thakria, I believe in your previous post claimed that Tomas teamed you inside Thakria and finally I understand the stripping of poison from Tomas also took place inside Thakria?
Presuming all of the above assumptions of correct, and please correct me if they are not, the question is this: Should the defence of your homeland, in its purest form i. e. standing inside your home city walls, be limited to a fair and measured response?
In other words, when it comes to defending your city while standing INSIDE your city, is teaming unjust? And therefore punished by justice accordingly?
Sir Kurgan, Cavalier
Written by my hand on the 28th of Paglost, in the year 1127.