Respect and Acting your station.

Threap, This will be short, I enjoy trading insults with you, seeing as your wit has always been lacking, I always come out on top.

You are a high priest and a prince of a city a contender for ordination in the past. You are an elder. For you to insult an order of justice because in your small mind you thought to gode me into insulting your order back is transparent and paltry.

There will be no such insult from anyone in Castigere's order, we, respect! You have shown your immaturity, your lack of dicipline, and your utter contempt for my order. circus indeed. From me personaly, your city will bleed for the insult, this I promise. For your fate I leave to those with more wisdome.

Consider any sort of friendly banter we ever had at an end.


Written by my hand on the 26th of Leaflost, in the year 1126.