Another argument thrown in over the never ending client/trigger debate... Just what you all wanted, ne? Too bad, here goes.
Although I do have a respect for those who manage without triggers, aliases, and the many other comforts of an advanced client, I do not believe they should expect others to face them on the same terms. It is ones own business to choose their client, and it should be left at that.
Cimares, you speak of a time when all was typed out, when there where no chained commands... but you did not mention the far less complex battle tactics back then. Far fewer skills where used efficiantly - today those battles would likely appear similar to two lw mages duking it out. Perhaps I'm way off, and simply got the wrong impresion - but from what I've read of those times this appears to be the case.
Does the ability to type at a finger-smashing speed really equal skill? From what I'd seen on this board, the charactaristics attributed to a skilled fighter are the abilities to memorize cures, attacks, and the like combined with reasonably fast reflexes. Although rarely mentioned(hmm), Creativity must be important as well. Take the long chained aliases now, and the variables Blotto seems so fearful of... do they contradict any of the above 'requirements'? If one has a time worn set of them, why shoul
d Zakath, Blotto, or anyone else try and label it a weakness? I realize there are a few weaknesses in this argument, but I'd rather not make this any longer then I need too...
As far as the trigger users... consider this. Can one who is completely unskilled, and ignorant to the ways of avalon really hope to make a functional set of triggers? They can try, sure - but the results are not likely to be too great for them. It does require an amount of understanding as to the working of the various skillsets, and usualy is a learning experiance with plenty of testing and adjusting. Of course I speak of those who write their own settings... To any who have simply recieved a comple
te setup, and intructions on how to use it, I don't care who you are, you can suck it.
Personally, I only use triggers for labours and farming. Aside from the basic waking and break free, I don't have so much as a color trigger to help me in combat. I might rag on someone for being a 'triggerbeast', but that is mostly out of bitterness. If you still don't agree, how about this? It's called role-play. So and so isn't hitting off an alias or button, they are jabbing you and it *hurts*. Ta!
Esprii, the devil's advocate.
Written by my hand on the 23rd of Leaflost, in the year 1121.