and who are you.

Finbar, Illuminatito Blotto, the Red Tide

providing your village with an idiot. I find it ironic that you prattle on

about challenges when last i recalled, i couldn't get you to answer any of mine

and i simply grew bored of chasing you through staves, watching you kill my mounts

and seeing you cower in your stockroom as i sauntered in your guild killing warriors

and transmuting runes to useful silver.

I agree wholeheartedly with Kindreid, please jump off the nearest cliff, and be

sure to advise me of the time and place so i can capitalize by selling tickets.

sure to advise me of the time and place so i can capitalize by selling tickets.

I'm postive it would be a sellout.

Written by my hand on the 23rd of Paglost, in the year 1121.