Respect your elders, boy.

Huzow, unilluminatedto Herbie

In case you hadn't noticed, Yairi hasn't been on in a while. But one think I can

assure you he is not is a coward. I have seen Yairi die countless times to impossible

odds in defense of his city and citymates, something you can't say for very many Mercdalians.

Furthermore, another little subtlety of the Avalon world you might not have noticed - Avalon

isn't just about personal combat. Yairi is a brilliant field marshall and a constant

source of wisdom for the Thakrian Barony. If the only measure of success here was fighting,

there would only be a handful of \"winners\" and everyone else would have no reason to


Written by my hand on the 30th of Eleuthral, in the year 1118.