Kodiak has NOTHING on a fighter like Xandamere.
Xandamere toed to toed against me as a BANDIT with NO triggers and won. mabey I just suck but quite frankly i have said to many including shakal that xand wast . was the best fighting bandit I had ever seen
Yeah he wasn't as sneaky as that bastard Plaman but he was more agressive.
I am not going to go into why Kodiak is crap, but you really shouldnt compare the two. This may seem like a but kissing post but I assure you it is not. Xandamere was a bastard but I have to bow to his sense of fairness and great fighting ability. Kod
iak has none.
Anyway the whole point of my post wasn't to whihne about kodiak's suckiness, but about his abuse of ls summon, and alkar.
Written by my hand on the 9th of Hindyear, in the year 1117.