Thing with mount killers is they get off on that sort of thing. It allows them to exercise the petty malicious side. I think it's because they were picked on in school and they mommy didn't hug them enough. I've killed unicorns loaded with 20 dead men
, but I put that in a different category.
So a name and shame policy won't work. The one that really make me hang my head in despair for these muppets is when they kill your mount after you ship in a challenge. Now is there anything you can think of that is more moronic than that? Tetsuo cert
ainly can't. Oh, and he now wants to be called Testes.
And because it seems the flavour of the week, I think it's only right that I end my post with deal. Deal.
Written by my hand on the 8th of Mournsend, in the year 1117.