Truly impressive. In about 50 words (and two posts, no less) you couldn't have proved his point better. I normally try not to waste my breath on this board with taunts, etc, but your last two posts (aside from an admittedly clever 'Fisty trigger' c
omment) were a complete and utter waste of space, particularly from someone who is a fighter in name only.
Orielle, not declaring yourself PW doesn't make you a fighter. And, no, I don't mean you have to be a competent, or even good fighter to have the right to post on this board. But for someone who never, ever fights of her own accord, it's astounding
that you have the audacity to post so often with nothing more than cheap shots at other fighters who actually attempt, whether poorly or with elan, to fight.
Written by my hand on the 30th of Ilmarael, in the year 1115.