Well, before I start rambling.

Sorry, but you know me--

While I agree with your punishment of stockroom fighting (and I do) perhaps it is only a symptom, rather than the prime issue itself. People use stockrooms to keep their enemies from eating a teleport pill, which will carry them to safety, far away fr

om their enemy.

There are only a few examples of people who really use pills to a devastating effect, but those who do truly show how abusive pills can be. My prime example of this is Kodiak.

First off, it should be said, Kodiak is a top fighter, in my opinion, and has gotten more kills on me than most. But for a long time his strategy with me was to pill in and out--trying to summon.

This consisted of him eating a pill, upon arrival in my location eating another back to his staved tower in Thakria, splashing me with compassion, embracing, and attempting to summon. Now, the odds of this working were fairly low--and thus it generall

y went on until I lagged at a vital moment when I needed to be rejecting, and ended up in Thakria.

Another example of this is Kuma's alleged pilling in, shattering/smelting, pilling out. Or you have Shakal's instant pill away from any locked room.

It should also be mentioned, that when I find myself in worrisome positions, I pill away if I am able--but really, I shouldn't be able to be so safe in my use. I can go into Thakria's stavefield, attack several folks, and if I'm low, just pill away. T

hat's massively overpowered!

Most every other defence, people have to work to use. You have to be clever in order to effectively use most skills, against a clever opponent. Pills, unless you get pushed into a void location or somesuch (since there are so many of those) are basica

lly failsafe.

And I'd bet almost anything the moment you change pills, you'll find that stockroom fighting disssapears without the help of your disfavours.

Ramble done!

Battlemage Fistandantilus

Written by my hand on the 4th of Midwinter, in the year 1115.