One again -- Enemy of WHO exactly?.

Finbar, Illuminatito Orinoko, the Renegade Womble

I shall not need a scapel to disect your argument as a noodle will suffice.

I was unenemied by a captain, Blotto, that she retracted upon your insistence

is neither surprising or uncommon with her. That she lacks the charachter to

stand by a decision she makes is - well - notorious. That you have the ability

to bully a fellow captain only proves the point that they are nominal.

I was enemied without cause. I responded to the injustice with appropriate action

which quelled when my point was made. Indeed, it quelled to the point of my

EARNING friend status - as no neutral status exists - from a leader of the city.

Again, must be my naivete to believe that that actually has any meaning within

the walls of YOUR city. It is no more than ironic that I am not considered an

enemy of Parrius by anyone but you, and perhaps now Blotto given her recent conduct

resulting in my taking off the gloves so to speak. Your own citizens and fellow

captains fully recognize I have no personal beef with the city. Indeed, I have

no beef with you save you unmittigatted arrogance, stupidity and selfishness which

has resulted in our own personal tenson. (emphasis on personal by the way).

outp sata

rub sata on longsword50349 to ordination, I don't believe I expressed any interst in supporting anyone.

Yet -- not suprisingly - you assume because I will not support you that I would

support those against you. So you are clear, my lack of support for you does

not translate into me betraying my loyalties. While that is something that

clearly comes easily to you, it is not a road I travel or even map out. Perhaps,

if once, you had the ability to lower your nose and see from a different perspective

then perhaps you would not make these assnine assumptions.

outp sata

rub sata on longsword50349 for Springdale's house, it is currently threated by Parrius due to the

inability of its leaders to discern the difference between independence and

outright hostility, it is threatened by Thakria because that is what Thakria is, and

intimidate thakrian moving forward with its expansion of citizenry, goods, services and free and

independent lifestyle earned throgh hard work, sense of unity and commradare.

Thanks for noticing.

pardon my failure to turn parsing off.

Written by my hand on the 3rd of Ilmarael, in the year 1113.