springdale, parrius politics.

Dunccan, The Devoutto Orinoko, the Renegade Womble

This is thus far the way I view our \"politics\"

No springdalian to my knowledge so much as spat in parrius till you returned from where ever it is you and ender went to smoochy.

You come back, suddenly I get renemied to parrius for no reasone I get enemied to city staves and I am pissed off at a whiney ex artisan who says I bully him.

Since parrius insists at having me as an enemy I will strive to DESERVE that status. The only bad blood between parrius and springdale is that wich is created by Blotto, Aradhyl, and Orinoko.

If not for these people we could coexist in peace and even friendship opening our borders to trade.

Think on it parrius, except from bossing you around, and being a decent fighter, what HAS orinoko given you?

Written by my hand on the 30th of Midsummer, in the year 1113.