Killing the young.

Orielleto Mage Valek Ra, the Illusionist

It escapes me how killing newer young players much smaller than yourself justifies anything? Why are you not killing those who attacked you when you were young? Why are you not getting revenge? Can't you? Are you so inept you cant fight those who m

istreated you?

Your excuse is flimsy for killing the thakrian young who are far smaller than yourself. It is an stupid excuse for your inability to kill those your level.

And just one more point. When you do this. You create a hatred for Mercinae that instills more determination in our young fighters. You give them the experience that helps them grow. And be assured it is you they will come for when they are large

enough - not the innocent young ones.

Orielle (who can see no Justice at all in killing small people to \"get back\" at those of your level)

Written by my hand on the 8th of Midsummer, in the year 1113.