
Darkthorrn, Keeper of Secretsto Everyone

say Please. can we end all this farcical shit...

1) Whether people like it or not - little people get iced by bigger people (accept it)

2) People who don't try to do anything and ponce about slanging abuse and don't even try to play have no say ---- eg NAOMI.

Yes you - you sit in thak and do nothing... yet yammer away on this like you've spent your whole life scrapping - come out and play once in a while - and if you don't like fighting and losing to bigger people don't play or learn to run better

A wise man once told me I had Ults running - which is mebbe so, but at least I try ... but you dont?

At least even if you were PW - you would have your own ideals...

3) And the last thing - and this is directed to EEVVEERRYYBBOODDYY.....

Please please please lets have no more of this I am this I am not that you are less the other than myself bla bla junk!!

If you fight someone and TOTALLY wank on them - be it unfair or fair or whatever - cheer gloat by all means, or apologise and be apologetic if that is your thing.

But don't turn around on this and go... oh your ex Gm started that, and you turned up 20 mins after I got MY butt kicked so I am taking it out on you but it makes no difference cause you hugged me when you were dp and ruined by reputation...

it sounds soooooo sad... it's very annoying, and just means that it pisses the hell out of myself and others on this that OBVIOUSLY don't seem to take this as seriously as some of you other No-lifes out there.

I've just been humped myself by arthor (grin) that wise man again eh? which is fine... EVEN tho he's what 4 times me size. it don't matter cause its only a game...

and so if I want to be petty I'll go get someone my size - or wait till arthors weakened and jump him... but I won't post a lot of horse shit on here about what a glorious person I am... and I'm buggered if anyone's gonna do the same

A while back I posted something saying that it surprised me that they WERE actually some intelligent people on this. (WHERE HAVE YOU ALL GONE???)

Keeper of Secrets

Written by my hand on the 8th of Midwinter, in the year 980.