
Dunccan, The Devoutto Athena, Queen of the Damned

Imagine that my enemies say I am unjust, rofl, there is an old saying. everyone in jail is innoccent. I live happy knowing that my god, my friends and yes even some of my enemies consider me honorable and just.

LW stripping, only ONCE and I gave it back. It was a misunderstanding. People just off the lw list, if you are a little sorc who is teaming people and killing peers left and right and overall acting like an experienced player, (a seccond, a first ager

) you will be dealt with swiftly so it does not become a habbit.

All the other stuff isnt you buisness, are misconceptions, and just plain old lies.

Don't post to me Wench you have done nothing to deserve my attention and will henceforth ignore your airhaid stupidity.


ROFL, you get your city razed, you sign the most unfair treaty of all time, you run to parrius, you kill your friends, you summon me into stockrooms and bitch when I do the same back. then you die to me, over, and over, and over , and over. You are th

e BIGGEST joke in Avalon, nobody likes you and the few that respect you are the ass kissing parrians who need a decent fighter to protect them, from the mean people of avalon.

Why don't you just go back to using your flight 100 macro and flight on out of avalon. Just like kes said once of you.

Orinoko is a . input your favorite Kes insult here. god knows you deserve them all.

Written by my hand on the 30th of Mournsend, in the year 1111.