Here, take my two cents and buy yourself an apple.

Athena, The Redto Dunccan, The Devout

Dunccan, oh Dunccan, I have watched you tirelessly throw the word \"traitor\" to

anyone who has sought to change their life. Anyone who is dissatisfied and

unahppy where they live are traitors. Anyone who seeks the path of personal

power is forevermore deemed a coward and a piece of animal dung in your eyes.

Good for you, you have an opinion and willingly post it (all the

time, everywhere).

So lets step back, just for a moment. Here take this mirror so you can look at

yourself while I break down your hipocrisy.

You were once known as \"Dunccan, Lion of Mercinae\" but when Edgtho challenged

you. Took your GM from the knights you left in a huff to Springdale. And as

opposed to Joining the floundering Paladins (at that time) you remained a

knight for the sake of -- what? You cry for justice, yet strip and slaughter people just off the LW list for that sake of stripping? You scream traitor to those you never raised an eyebrow to help, to learn them nor to praise them. Now all the sudden

you give a damn?

I cannot comprehend how even the meekest of minds convince themselves you're

anything but a hypocrit.


Before ANYONE replies to how I left Thakria to move to Springdale, I made a

mistake. The entire time I was there I gave it my all and I died trying to be

devoted. In the end I did not deny my heart, I lied to nobody, I walked away

and EVERYONE knew where I belonged, including me.

We all make mistakes, it just takes a bigger person than the norm to admit them.

You amaze me, knight of Springdale... if ignorance is bliss you must be living one hell of an easy life.

Written by my hand on the 17th of Mournsend, in the year 1111.