Let me first start by saying that you erk myself and probably a large proportion of Avalon
every time you post, just because we dont rant and rave in the same manner
as you does not mean that you are any less frustrating than the next frothing maniac.
Yes I spend a lot of time in the Glade of Allendil, I like it there.
Yes I recently killed you with a hammerfist hyper whilst you were flouncing around
Thakria square.
And yes the Brigands is still woefully short on numbers, it only having 5 active
members, one of whom is bound to be a second.
I believe that last time we fought a mutual challenge I beat you, so logical you
must be even worse at fighting than I am?
And it is remarkably that you have the gall to bring up guild leadership when
you must hold the record for the consecutive failed guild leadership challenges
Other than that you post was yet again informative, to the point,
and delivered so precisely that it has been difficult to find fault in it.
And may I thank you in advance for waiting to be teamed, most people are
far less accomodating
Written by my hand on the 9th of Agamnion, in the year 1107.