Yes, I am in a stockroom. WOW. I'm also dp, lets see you throw a fit now.
but to say you know exactly what I am doing? Don't push it.
What is just utterly rediculous in your posts, is how you go on about this
superiority you seem to believe you have over me. What a joke! Aerian, I'll
say it now and dare you to prove me wrong - You are so my bitch. I fucking own
your and you know it. Go on, challenge. kill me in fair one on one. laugh, but
that just would not be you would it?
Or maybe I should mention that fact even with all your obvious advantages
(two mans, staves, ect...) I managed to get 16 rubs on you in between the
peace rits? oh, but it's so much easier for you to say how I pilled out that once.
now that I came back and sat quite comfertably in your guild, while you ran
about putting up more peace rits in adjecent locs, just in case.
But yes, the final victory was yours. you truely are brilliant, pulling me into
a location where I cannot use half my skills, and gloating over your kill, and
how you obviously \"protect\" your city and guild. well, if you count ringing your
bell and dodging back into stockroom when people try and shut you up as
protecting anything, you must do a top notch job.
I'll make a point to come into thakria more often, in hopes you change your
ways and try to actively chase me out.
Written by my hand on the 6th of Cloudburst, in the year 1105.