
Aerian, you are SO full of it. First of all, yes, I traversed too you. and pilled out

after you, as you always do, danced peace. And if Abaku is still a apprentice

in your guild, well, I guess it is fitting. He is pretty useless, ne?

As far as me \"summoning\" buddies. Decker came so I could traverse out of

your stockroom once I ressed. it was YOU, not me, that summoned him in, while

I was a ghost. Allys came afterwards to horn me out, but this was her choice

and I had not asked.

As far as you being out in the open - Aerian, with the amount of time you spend

in that stockroom of yours, I believe anywhere else should be considered

outside, and a enormouse step your you.

Written by my hand on the 3rd of Cloudburst, in the year 1105.