Ah, your knowledge surpasses me...

Alas I am unaware as to the inherent difference between a 'dubious' location

and a 'dubiously protected' location.

Perhaps you would care to enlighten us about what the second case constitutes

which seperates it from the first case.

Then to the benefit of the whole of Thakria and Avalon you could perhaps

name the locations that you feel are granting us an unfair advantage and pinpoint

how they find themselves to be within the second case stated which you will

already have explained is vastly different to the first case.

I do of course understand that this involves you putting your money where your

mouth is (to coin a phrase) rather than just making a blanket statement concerning

the land as a whole, but if you are to nit pick then perhaps it would be apt for you

to highlight exactly where your differing definitions and hideous inconsistencies

between cities locations lie.

Thanks in advance


Written by my hand on the 15th of Leaflost, in the year 1104.