Your ignorance.

Sir Ordento Magdalene, the Raven Haired Beauty

My cowardness? Please! Let me first say I never stand in any stockrooms even while doing lessons of which almost always I am jumped in the middle of. Second you don't see me hiding anywhere as you do up in your tree or rooftop garden. Third, you know

that you are so much bigger than I am and even so I fight back against you only to have you run away each time to shoot your little arrows. Oh yeah you Thakrian horde are so confident aren't you. From what I have seen you ONLY seem to jump those who a

re smaller. Hmm what does this tell everyone? Duh! Let me also say my being summoned by someone who has a rit up wasn't my choice she did that on her own accord. Again

the time is coming when I will be standing over YOUR dead body daily!

Written by my hand on the 27th of Hindyear, in the year 1104.