Frankly I could care less if you are some fake God in a game. However, I will say this much. You have constantly been recruiting Mercineans and others about the land only to now gloat about them dying to Thakrian hands, or find it \"entertaining\", on t
he BB really tells everyone your true attitude toward Mercinae. You seemed to be helpful at first only to turn around and tell big lies and then spew your bullshit about the bb. I asked you for some advice on some things I didn't understand and you sa
y I was complaining. Please! What do you supposed Gods actually do to benefit our city? Please tell me I am all ears. I am remaining neutral toward all Gods and certainly hostile to all those who favour dark and chaos simply because of what dark and c
haos represents. It is an opposing side. I want EVERY Mercinean to see your post and hopefully see you for the true hypocrite you are.
I find that \"all the more entertaining! \"
Written by my hand on the 26th of Ilmarael, in the year 1104.