The Tickle Whine.

Infamous Threap, The Anomalyto Everyone


Whine Whine WHINE.

Its makes me chuckle realy it does.

Here are some facts. For the last 6 months or more, Edgtho and numerious others have used \"tickle death\" as a means to make death run from the location without a balance. Where as I need eq to bring him back. I have bug filed this as in my opinion its

an expliot. Now around a week ago, things changed and I discovered when death returns after being tickled he is hostile again and can attack right away and NOW you are all whining like its the biggest exploit in avalon history

And there you have it the non-thakrians use and abuse a loophole for over 6 months when its to their own advantage and when I have spoken to them they claim its no bug. When the tides turn and its to thakrians advantage they cry like babies, and we ge

t posts like enders whine see \"fighters 3070\". Of course I killed him over 10 times in a space of 2 hours and that has nothing to do with it. Neither of course does the fact that at least 6 of them he died so quickly he didnt even have time to parley

death let alone me use tickle.

Perhaps we should put things back the way they where? I remember the time when you couldnt parley death at all!


Written by my hand on the 30th of Cloudburst, in the year 1104.