Interesting idea...

But I'm somewhat wary of issuing a challenge that would require some sort of divine intervention

to set up. However, I would happily agree to it. Further, yeah, triggers are more useful against

thieves than against knights, since there isn't a trigger for damage... but there are certainly

plenty of triggers that function and help against a knight, especially one who's smart with

poisons. Now, I don't know that a fight without triggers against a thief is necessarily harder

than one against a knight, because knights have always been my toughest opponents during my time

in Avalon, whereas I've never really had a problem with any other thieves. Maybe that's just me...

maybe Edgtho is also scared to fight without his triggers because he's grown too used to them

and wouldn't really know what to do without them, which is what I think. It's tough to fight

without them once you get used to having them for a long time. But honestly, Edgtho, it's

pathetic of you to send taunting messages to me about what an awful player I am and yet refuse

to accept my challenge... if I'm so bad, why are you so scared of me? And further, Avalon is meant

as a game of skill... why do you rely on automated methods to help you fight instead of relying

on your own skill?

Written by my hand on the 21st of Paglost, in the year 1103.