
I shall try to sort through the, \"nauseous bile dripping\" as I'm sure Gurthwin would call thy post, Julian.

In the case of which came first, Julian, thou teamed me before I ever knew thy name. If thou dost not team me or slander me, or otherwise impinge upon my honour, thou wilst not die by my hand.

I believe I have said this before, but cheers to Kalinor. He has indeed killed me, though he is more than half my size. (just got consider) <grin>

And to that last (if it can be called anything) sentence, I hear more complaints from Mercinaens than anyone, I know not where thou live, Julian. Listen to thyself. \"I'm sick of you guys, ... quit bothering little people\"

Oh and we are taking care of our city, but it is ever so much more fun to crush spineless huggies like thee in the meantime.

Sir Arthor, for more posting in general.

Written by my hand on the 23rd of Midsummer, in the year 978.