
Gurthwinto Everyone

Greetings all!

here is my shillings worth,(I am guessing as to what that amount is as the damn thing is never there when I want it! (mutter)

As to roleplaying, that is the reason (I think) most folk play avalon, and I must say, Sir Arthor, thou art truely a most dastardly cavalier! (G)

There are of course many button pushing computer lovers who play also(bah I spit on you,you members of the technocrasy)

As to the fall of Thakria, nay any city, it must hurt like hell to see it raized, it is evident that many people are extremely hurt by the fall of their city, I hope in time that hurt subsides.

but wouldn't it be nice if the status quo, the endless, you kill me I kill you, you teamed me, no I didn't! you suck(grrr) I am gonna get you and the horse you rode in on!,thing had slightly more, I don't know reason? well new reasons at least, a bit

more finesse?

I mean am I the only one who gets bored of the same(yawn) relentlessly tedious cycle?

Now afore ye start saying, but we love to fight! (and squish yer huggiemurk bones etc)

So do I, to a degree, I am just saying a slight preamble,would make a change.

It would be nice to see on this board, people talking about good fights they had,funny things that occured during a fight, mighty challenges and feats of daring do, not just the nauseous bile dripping that usually proliferates.

There, I think I have had a shillings worth(g)

and may the rust of your sword never thicken your blood.....or something like that(G)

Written by my hand on the 13th of Midsummer, in the year 978.