A wonderful crack at my fighting ability, Arthor, though I suppose that is the prupose of this board. I simply point people to the slew of posts following your loss to me in a challenge, not so long ago, or the subsequent deaths to me after I had lost
the skillset I use the most.
And a few other things. I was not saying best mage of the time, but rather, one of the best mages of the time. I see Gandalph as an equal or better mage than myself, and I see Cordon as the best mage nowadays, though he hasn't made much noise lately.
However, for all the love each old fighter seems to have for the mages way back when, I don't really see much comparison being made. Not only were skills different, technological capabilities were as well.
In a time where nearly all of the attacks I can use on someone outside of mists and rituals can be triggered such that they are pretty useless, it's funny that I continued to get kills on some of the better fighters, you included, Arthor.
Zakath and his ilk were quite good, and I respect him for it. Loric, Criamulus, etc. are lauded as being the most mobile of mages. But I would be willing to bet that if I had been born 50 years before I was, I would still have had my share of the kill
ing pie.
A mage that fought zmudders on javalon and telnet, Zakath will likely back me up, saying that as Allanon has stated before me, there are things that help people here in avalon, other than their fighting prowess.
Perhaps, if otherworldly things do not interfere, we shall see all this in the upcoming gem quest, though I fear that they will. Regardless, return to the incoherent thee's and thou's that I have often seen plaster this board.
Oh, and try fighitng me without your boosted skills, your god swords, your HP skills and the massive loads of poisons that mortals have seen you recieving from the divine. Sure, you can claim you 'earned them' but they still give you an advantage far
above and beyond your actual ability.
There, that last paragraph seemed more fit for the fighters board. I've said my piece.
Fistandantilus, Missing in Action
Written by my hand on the 19th of Cloudburst, in the year 1098.