mages etc.

Lord Arthor, Scion of Darknessto Everyone

Anjiin, I am not whining, I am stating a bias. They exist all over Avalon. Some professions are better against some others, it is the way of life.

I am stating that a mage killing a knight in some loctions is not impressive as they have a significant advantage. Fistandantilus will never be feared, because all one has to do is move two locations away, and he is no longer a threat. The invincibl

e title was rather obvious sarcasm in a post where I \"complained\" (if you wish) about being disadvantaged.

I understand thy frustration, though. It must be hard being a half-wit and thus standing no chance against me even with an advantage.

I would certainly have an advantage in a many exit location OVER A ONE EXIT LOCATION. This does not, however, give me much advantage over a mage. As Herbie said, the best mages are mobile. I suggest thou learn to fight before posting on the fighter

s bulletin board.

Constantine, I don't know why thou and Dunccan think I had some way of knowing thou had lost link, but thou never did at any time I was attacking thee. If thou mean thou had just come back when I attacked, thou certainly had time to get away while th

ou were alkaring and armsmashing me. Thou died because I do twice as much damage as anyone else and am unbelievably lucky, not because of link problems. (Note to Anjiin: disregard that last sentence, thou won't understand it.)

Lord Arthor

Written by my hand on the 7th of Midsummer, in the year 1095.