
Constantineto Lord Arthor, Scion of Darkness

The only reason Dunccan attacked you is because you were low enough to attack me seconds after i lost connection. Your cowardice and desire for a cheap kill ultimately caused Dunccan's brashness in retracting his challenge.

The ironic thing is I distinctly remember a teamfight from years back with you Flagg, and Huzow whereas you lost connection in my location and I allowed you to run back to Thakria to put your defences back up, but that is the difference between you an

d I.

At least the Arthor from my day tried to be honourable, now you are no different then what you claim your enemies to be. You have become an unworthy scumbag and a pitiful excuse for even a cavalier.

I am far more rusty then you, but I look forward to putting your head where it belongs.

Constantine, Lore-Knight of Mercinae

Written by my hand on the 23rd of Skyelong, in the year 1095.