
Lord Arthor, Scion of Darknessto Everyone

I figured Valek is going to bitch, so I'm putting this here.

Bloodlust has always been a problem in that those with it are restricted in getting justice against people who are smaller than them, but who still help other people fight them.

However, it does not prevent the smaller person from attacking those larger people with an entourage of smaller and larger people of which the large person would be hard pressed to defeat.

Well, I have long known that mages can apparently abuse the bloodlust system, and now that Valek has started abusing it, somebody WITH bloodlust thinks it is unfair to be teamed with no recourse. Well, perhaps you should have spoken up when you were

constantly being teamed by hordes of people smaller than you whose combined might exceeded your own, because now that Valek knows, he can sit invulnerable in rituals while his hugglers attack.


You all wanted to fuck with him when he was just a loud mouthed brat, but let's see how well you fuck with him now that he's discovered a loophole.

For Death, For Darkness, For JUSTICE (read: death) for the weak!

-Lord Arthor the bloodlusty

P. S. I'm aware that all you huggies without a full set of Ultimate skills will keep teaming me without provocation (7 half my size should be enough) and failing bloodlust restrictions will merely heal the rest of those teaming me... But guess what? I

've never cared; I'll continue to destroy you all anyway. I've done it before, blah blah blah. So happy hunting.

Written by my hand on the 14th of Eleuthral, in the year 1095.