Ok I'm completely smashed drunk and am never here anyway so I figure you guys can stuff your ridicule up your collective arses enough to deal with the criticism leveled on your testosterone swollen -heads-.
This fighters board is a joke except in some cases where -fighters- actually levy challenges and propose interesting, combat-related posts. VERY RARE *yawn*.
Who gives a shit if Ender went linkdead for 2 of his battles? Or if Meerkat had *lag* for every single battle he's ever lost? It's a freaking joke, maybe you boys should whine to someone who gives a damn *offers a dime for the call*.
Everybody deals with lag, deadlinking and having aliases that are crappier than those of their enemies. Deal with it. This sad excuse laying is pathetic. At least when India and Matthew take it in the ass they're -man- (sorry, India, you know what I m
ean) enough to take it.
Written by my hand on the 18th of Paglost, in the year 1094.