
Evil Aerian, Gateway to Hellto Everyone

Neidhart and Finbarm: Truly fine fine posts from two of the most accomplished

fighters in Avalon. I am surprised that either of you even had the guts to post

on the \"fighters\" bb.

Ender: You asked me to post the terms of the \"challenge\" which I did. What is it

that fascinates you about me so much? It can't be the fact that I am one of those

who opposed your huggy hide from being citizened in Thakria could it?

A challenge is the invitation to have a fight to see who is the stronger by terms

agreed by two individuals not one. Orinoko made the challenge and I accepted under

terms agreeable with me. Whether the terms are deemed fair or not by him or anyone

else really serves no consequence to me.

Evil Aerian

Written by my hand on the 23rd of Paglost, in the year 1093.